Arjan van der Gaag

By Arjan van der Gaag on Jun 13 2009.
Tagged blog, blogging, code, ruby, rake, automation, script.

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Publishing a Jekyll website to a server

One of the problems with using Jekyll, a static website generator, is that you have to copy your files to a server manually if you want the world to see them. Luckily, it is easy to automate.

Using rsync

I use rsync to copy my generated site to my server. This works like a charm:

rsync -avz "_site/" username@server:~/dir/to/public/

The avz flags tell it to be verbose, and both archive and compress the data.

Rake task

Remembering and typing that rsync line every time I want to publish my site is not a good idea, so I dropped the whole thing in a Rake task:

desc 'rsync the contents of ./_site to the server'
task :sync do
  puts '* Publishing files to live server'
  puts `rsync -avz "_site/" username@server:~/dir/to/public/`

Publishing my site is now as easy as rake sync. The good thing about putting this in a Rake task is that I can now chain the syncing with other tasks: calling rake publish will re-generate my site, push code to Github, sync my site with the server and notify various web services about the changes to my site. Awesome.

You can check out my Rakefile at Github.

  • blog
  • blogging
  • code
  • ruby
  • rake
  • automation
  • script
Arjan van der Gaag

Arjan van der Gaag

A thirtysomething software developer, historian and all-round geek. This is his blog about Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Git, CSS, software and the web. Back to all talks and articles?


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